E. Cities, Towns and Villages
1 Cities and Towns 府、州、廳、縣城、鎮
a Urbanization: population, central places and market towns
b Basic elements
Inner City 子城 (府治、衙門、王城)
Outer City 羅城
City Wall and moat: 廓城/護城河
Drum & Bell tower 鐘鼓樓
Confucius temple 文廟; military temple 武廟; city god temple 城煌廟
Street patterns
Cities and hierarchy of local systems
Langzhong in the Qing Dynasty 閬中治城圖 (清道光元年) |
Models of street grids in China with four gates |
Laiyang Town in the Ming Dynasty 明萊蕪縣城圖 |
Yamen 衙門 |
Dali 大理 |
The city gate, Dali 大理城門 |
Fengshui Tower, Dali 风水塔 The city gate, Dali 大理城門 |
The city wall, Dali 大理城墙 The Bell Tower 鐘樓 |
The central axis 中轴线 |
City God Temple 城隍庙 |
c Social-economical structure
Civic confederation (Hui 會)
Guild 行會
Religious association,
Neighborhood association
d Urban Transformation in the 20th Century
Urban expansion, railway, city wall and ring road,
New institution and new boulevard (中山路、解放路、人民路)
Plaza and public spaces
Plan of Pingyao City 山西平遙城圖 |
Tainan in 1907 |
Plan of Taiyuan City 山西太原城圖 |
Plan of Datong City 山西大同城圖 |
2 City Morphology
a Square City: Taiyuan 太原(晉陽), Nantong 南通(通州), Chengdu 成都(益 州), Anyang 安陽(歸德府), Datong 大同, Taigu 太古, Pingyao 平遙, Nanhei 南匯, Fengxian 奉賢, Shunhua 宣化, Lulong 盧龍, Langzhong 閬中, Weishan 巍山
b Circular City: Ningbo 寧波, Quanzhou 泉州, Chaozhou 潮州, Hsinchu 新竹, I-lan 宜蘭, Lingtai 靈台, Fengyang 鳳陽
c Organic City: Jingdezhen景德鎮, Lukang鹿港, Yangshuo陽朔
City Morphology |
Plan of Ningbo 寧波城圖 |
Plan of ILan 宜蘭城圖 |
Ports in Quanzhou Area 泉州附近港口分佈圖 Quanzhou City through history 历史上的泉州城址 |
Idealized plan of Quanzhou City in Song Yuan
宋元時代泉州城復原想象圖 |
Quanzhou City in 1948 1948年泉州城圖 |
Fabric of Quanzhou City 泉州城市機理 |
Map of Chaozhou in the Song Dynasty 宋代潮州府城圖 Map of Chaozhou in the Qing Dynasty 清代潮州府城圖 |
Map of Chaozhou old city
潮州古城地图 |
Kaiyuan Temple 開元寺地區街巷 |
Fabric of Zao Lane in Chaozhou
潮州灶巷街巷機理 |
Weishan 巍山 |
Weishan 巍山 |
3 Villages 村落
Siting and Fengshui, kinship system and spatial formation
Didactic narratives 敍事教化– signifier elements: pavilion, gate, pond, mountain, bridge, theatre, temple
Nanxijiang 楠溪江中游(蒼坡村/岩頭村/芙蓉村/蓮溪村)
Huizhou 徽州(宏村/西遞村/棠樾村)
Coastal Villages of the South-East: Penghu澎湖/Coloane路環
Hakka Walled Village 客家圍村
Nanxijiang 楠溪江 |
Cangpo Village 蒼坡村 |
Cangpo Village 蒼坡村 |
Cangpo Village 蒼坡村 |
Yantou Village 巖頭村 |
Yantou Village 巖頭村 |
Furong Village 芙蓉村 |
Furong Village 芙蓉村 |
Hong Village 宏村 |
Hong Village 宏村 |
Xidi 西遞 |
Tangyue Village 棠樾 |
Memorial Archway in Tangyue
棠樾牌坊 |
Penghu 澎湖 |
七美三塊厝村落 |