The Chinese Colonial City
1. Theory of colonial citiesa. Modern colonial activity
b. Colonialism, dependency and globalization
c. Power and space
d. Post-colonialism and the culture identity
e. Colonial urban form as the representation of:
· Power structure of the dominant
· Mode of production of the new structure
· Colonizer’s culture and ideology
· Appropriation of local culture
2. Shanghai上海
a. The old city, the concession and the bund
b. Road construction, land development and urban grid
c. The Li-long fabric里弄,弄堂
d. The planning by the Japanese and the Republic
e. New Shanghai and the Pudong planning
3. Tianjin天津 ,Guangzhou廣州and Wuhan武漢
a. The old city and the concession
b. River, railway and urban grid
4. Taipei 台北
a. The old city and the Fengshui discourse
b. The Japanese planning and the new axis
c. The Republic and the Nationalist style
d. Community and the Grassroot movement
5. Qingdao青島, Dalian 大連,Harbin哈爾濱 Shenyang 瀋陽and Changchun長春
6. Macau and Hong Kong
a. Double city
b. Urban space of “the other”
c. Coloane路環
Supplementary Reading:
1. Lefebvre, Henri: The Production of Space, Oxford; Blackwell 1974/1991
2. Foucault, Michel: “Text/Context of Other Spaces,” Diacritics 16(1), Spring 1967/1986
3. Torsten Warner: German Architecture in China, Ernst & John, 1994
4. Wang, Weijen ed: Macau 99, Architecture and Urban Space, Dialogue, October, 1999
5. Wang, Weijen: The competing skyline. Politik, Ökonomie und Identität in Hongkong nach 1997, Stadtbauwelt - Themenheft der Bauwelt, 2007
6. 夏鑄九: (重)建構公共空間, 理論的反省,身份認同與公共文化─文化研究論文集,
Hong Kong, Oxford University Press 1997
7. 松村伸: 上海‧都市‧建築 (1942~1949), Tokyo: Parco, 1991
8. 伍 江: 上海百年建築史(1840~1949),同濟大學出版社,1997
9. 上海和橫濱,上海檔案館,上海科技出版社,1994
10. 上海里弄民居,中國建築工業出版社,1993
11. 郑时龄: 上海近代建筑风格,上海 :上海敎育出版社, 1999
12. 钱宗灏等: 百年回望 : 上海外滩建筑与景观的历史变迁,上海 : 上海科学技術出版社,,2005
13. 常靑: 大都会从这里开始 : 上海南京路外滩段研究,上海 : 同济大学出版社, 2005
14. 中國近代建築總覽,中國建築工業出版社,1992
15. 洪長泰: 間與政治:擴建天安門廣場,臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所,2006
16. Wu Hung: Remaking Beijing : Tiananmen Square and the creation of a political space, London : Reaktion, 2005
17. Esherick, Joseph ed: Remaking the Chinese City: Modernity and National Identity, 1900-1950.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000.
18. Lee, Ou-fen: Shanghai Modernity: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China, 1930 ~ 45, Harvard University Press
19. Wong Chong Thai: “Cacophony: Gratification or Innovation,” in Postcolonial Space(s), ed.G.B, Nalbantoglu and C.T. Wong, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997
20. 董鑒泓: 中國城市建設發展史,北京:中國建築工業出版社,1984
21. 楊秉德: 中國近代城市與建築,北京:中國建築工業出版社,1993
22. 西澤泰彥: 圖說滿州都市物語:大連‧瀋陽‧長春,東京: 河出書房新社, 1996
23. King, Anthony ed: Culture, Globalization and the World System, London: Macmillan, 1991
24. King, Anthony: Urbanism, colonialism, and the World Economy: Cultural and Spatial foundations of the World Urban System. London: Routledge, 1990
25. Vale, L: Architecture, power and National Identity, New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1992
26. Saskia Sassen: Cities in a world economy. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press, 2000
27. Abbas, Ackbar. Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance. Chap 4. Hong Kong: HKU Press, 1997
28. Guillen-Nunes, Cesar. Macau streets. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1999
29. Leeming, Frank. Street Studies in Hong Kong: Localities in a Chinese City. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1977
30. Yeung, Wing-yu, Hans. “Guangzhou, 1800-1925: the Urban Evolution of a Chinese Provincial Capital.” PhD thesis, The University of Hong Kong, 1999
31. 《廣州》。廣東人民出版社 (廣州),1973
32. Solonin, K.Y. 19th Century Paintings of Life in China. Reading: Garnet, 1995
33. Foucault, Miche. Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon; translated by Colin Gordon (et al). Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1980
34. Levebvre, Henry. Writings on Cities. Selected, translated and introduced by Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas. Oxford: Blackell, 1996
35. Bhabha, Homi: Location of Culture, London: Roulodge
36. Said, Edward: Orientalism
37. Cody, Jeffrey W: Building in China: Henry Murphy's "Adaptive Architecture" 1914-1935, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2001