C. Bianliang, Lin’an and Suzhou of Song
1. Song 宋 Imperial Cities
Kaifeng 開封 (Bianjing 汴京)
Hand-scroll painting: Qing Ming Shang He Tu 清明上河圖
Site and the Grand Canal
Road, water way and pier
Palace city: 大內, Artificial Mountain 艮岳
Transformation of the Li-fang, Xiang 廂 and Fang 坊, fire safety system
Street life and the commercial activity
Public space and cultural activity
Population density and urban sprawl
Hangzhou 杭州 (Linan 臨安)
Economy and history
Palace and the city representation
Water way, bridge and warehouse
Street life, commercial complex 瓦子and guild 行會
Population and residential area; Xiang 厢 and Fang 坊
West lake and culture activity; private garden
2. Southern Cities after Song
Suzhou 蘇州 (Pingjiang 平江)
The Pingjiang city map 平江圖
Hand-scroll painting: 姑蘇繁華圖(盛世滋生圖) / 康熙南巡圖,乾隆南巡圖
Road, water way and bridge
City wall, gate and administrative core: 羅城 / 子城
Water way and residential fabric
Commercial activity and association 行會,會館,同鄉會
Temple and pagoda
Culture, house and garden
The present Situation of the District The Entrance Pattern
Kaifeng 開封 (Bianjing 汴京)
Hand-scroll painting: Qing Ming Shang He Tu 清明上河圖
Site and the Grand Canal
Road, water way and pier
Palace city: 大內, Artificial Mountain 艮岳
Transformation of the Li-fang, Xiang 廂 and Fang 坊, fire safety system
Street life and the commercial activity
Public space and cultural activity
Population density and urban sprawl
North Song Bianliang 北宋汴梁 |
Plan of North Song Bianliang 北宋汴梁(東京) |
Qing Ming Shang He Tu 清明上河圖
Typical ward size, Chang’an, Faifeng and Hong Kong Island 長安,開封和香港島面積比較 |
Street width, Chang’an, Kaifeng and Hong Kong 長安,開封,香港街道寬度 |
Proportion of Imperial land use 宮城
Commercial & Administrative Core 商業行政中心
Transition from Closed System of Tang to Open Market City as Market of Song |
Hangzhou 杭州 (Linan 臨安)
Economy and history
Palace and the city representation
Water way, bridge and warehouse
Street life, commercial complex 瓦子and guild 行會
Population and residential area; Xiang 厢 and Fang 坊
West lake and culture activity; private garden
Idealized Plan of South Song Linan 南宋臨安 |
Idealized Plan of South Song Linan 南宋臨安 |
Plan of South Song Linan 南宋臨安平面圖
2. Southern Cities after Song
Suzhou 蘇州 (Pingjiang 平江)
The Pingjiang city map 平江圖
Hand-scroll painting: 姑蘇繁華圖(盛世滋生圖) / 康熙南巡圖,乾隆南巡圖
Road, water way and bridge
City wall, gate and administrative core: 羅城 / 子城
Water way and residential fabric
Commercial activity and association 行會,會館,同鄉會
Temple and pagoda
Culture, house and garden
The Pingjiang City Map of Song Dynasty 宋平江府圖 |
Plan of Suzhou in 1949 1949年蘇州城圖 |
The Grand Canal 大運河 |
The Functional Arrangement of the Pingjiang City Map 功能分布 |
Plan of Suzhou Walled City in 1938 蘇州內城圖 |
From Beisi Pagoda 北寺塔 |
The Water Gate 盤門 |
The present Situation of the District The Entrance Pattern
Street Fabric 街道
The Present Situation of the Area to the East of No. 4 Canal
Street and Fabric 大新橋巷平面與斷面 大新橋巷 Plan of No.21 Da Xin Qiao Xiang 大新橋巷21號平面復原圖 Present Situation of No.21 Da Xin Qiao Xiang 大新橋巷21號現狀圖 Building & Public Space: Quanjin Association 全晉會館 Building & Public Space: Bridge 橋 Zhouzhuang : Bridge 周莊 Wuzhen 烏鎮 Yangzhou 揚州 The Evolution of Yangzhou through history 歷史上的揚州城 The Map of Yangzhou in 1949 揚州城圖 |