Arch 5105 Design of Chinese Cities
1. Course Information
Instructor: Wang, Weijen
Office: K412
Phone: 25481274
Number of Credits: 3
11. Course Description:
The course consists two major parts:
1. Studies on issues relating to the design of historical and contemporary Chinese Cities; and
2. A research project on issues of Chinese cities, particularly the formation and transformation of specific urban patterns and public spaces.
For the first part, it looks into the basic physical organization and development of traditional, colonial and contemporary Chinese cities, introducing methods in understanding how built forms, particularly urban public spaces and city fabric, express certain aspirations of a culture, and how culture itself conditions their physical shape. It also addresses the issue of urban transformation: how cities took the shape they did? What and why have they changed from their past forms to the present shape? It is to provide students with basic knowledge and framework of study Chinese cities in history.
For the second part, students are to select a research topic for conducting an independent research project relating to the design, formation, and transformation of Chinese cities. Examples of potential research topics including the study of a specific urban pattern, a particular type of urban spaces or urban forms at a place or through a period of time; or a self-organized field studies and in-depth analysis of Chinese cities. Students are to form teams of 2 to 3 for developing their topic of study.
Interested students are also encouraged to take a separate independent study courses as part of his combined research project for the course, exploring methods and skills of designing and constructing a full sized art-shelter project to be installed in a public park of Hong Kong.
111. Course Objectives:
The course aims to provide students with basic understandings on physical patterns and their social-economical as well as cultural context of Chinese cities in history. It also intends to develop a critical perspective and framework for students to study and understand Chinese cities in transformation. Through the research project, it also aims to provide students an opportunity to develop method and skills for analyzing urban pattern and urban spaces in Chinese Cities.
1V Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the physical patterns and explain their social-cultural context of major Chinese Cities in history, including the imperial, colonial and contemporary Chinese cities.
2 Demonstrate the ability to employ analytical methods developed in the course, and use relevant information for conducting research on critical issues related to Chinese cities.
3 Apply knowledge, methods as well as cultural and social position developed in the course for shaping more socially and culturally sensible urban spaces in Hong Kong and China.
V Teaching and Learning Activities
1. Lectures and discussions
2. Book and article reading
3. Essay writing on topics of lectures
4. Development of research topic
5. Progress presentation on the research project
6. Final report writing on the research project
V1 Assessment/Evaluation:
i), Individual essay on Chinese Cities as a reflection of issues discussed
ii), Research Project Report
1. Essays writing on Chinese Cities 30%
2. Outline Presentation 10%
3. Progress Presentation 30%
4. Final Report 30%
VII Course Outline
Date Topics
1. September 02 Introduction
2. September 09 The Imperial Chinese Cities ( I )
Changan and Luoyang of Tang; Kaifeng, Linan and Suzhou of Song
3. September 16 The Imperial Chinese Cities (II)
Beijing and Nanjing of Yuan, Ming and Qing; Town and villages
4. September 30 The Colonial Chinese Cities:
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Wuhan; Dalian ,Harbin, Changchun and Taipei, Hong Kong and Macau
5. October 07 Issues of Traditional Chinese Cities:
Public Spaces and Urban Fabrics
Hand-in: research project topic
6. October 14 Issues of Contemporary Chinese Cities:
From Socialist City to Post-Communist City
7. October 21 Reading and Field Trip Week
Hand-in research project outline
8. October 28 Project Outline Presentation ( I )
9. November 04 Project Outline Presentation ( II )
10. November 11 Progress Project Presentation ( I )
11. November 18 Progress Project Presentation ( II)
12. November 25 Progress Project Presentation ( III )
14. December 23 Final Project Report Hand-in
Reference Book
A. General
A1. Spiro, Kostof: The City Shaped - Urban Patterns and Meanings through History.
London: Bulfinch Press, 1991
The City Assembledged – The Elements of Urban form
through History , London: Thames & Hudson, 1992
A2. Lewis Mumford: The City in History – Its origins, its transformations, and its prospects,
Harcourt, Brace & Wood, New York, 1961
A3.Lynch, Kevin A Theory of Good City Form. The MIT Press, 1984
A4. Aldo, Rossi: The Architecture of the City, Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press, 1982
A5. Koolhass, Rem: Delirious New York, 010 Publishers, 1981
A6. Harvey, David: The Condition of Postmodernity: An enquiry into the origins of cultural change. Blackwell Oxford,1990
A7. Castell, Manuel: The City and the Grassroots, University of California Press, 1983
A8. Saskia Sassen: The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo
Princeton University Press, 1994
A9. Henry, Levebvre: The Production of Space, Oxford: Blackwell, 1991
A10. Foucault, Michael: “Text/Context of Other Spaces,” Diacritics 16(1), 1967
A11. Homi, Bhabha: The Location of Culture, Routledge, 1994
A12. Bemjamin, Walter: The Arcade Project. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1999
A13. Zeynep, Celk; Streets: Critical Perspectives on Public Space.
Diane Favro; and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994
Richard Ingersoll; eds.
A14. Allan B, Jacobs: Great Streets. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1993
B. Imperial Chinese Cities
B1. Steinhardt, Nancy: Chinese Imperial City Planning,
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990
Liao Architecture, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997
B2. Schinz, Alfred: The Magic Square - Cities in Ancient China,
Stuttgart / London: Edition Axel Menges, 1996
B3. Skinner, G. William ed.: The City in Late Imperial China,
Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1977
B4. Knapp, Ronald G China’s Walled Cities, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Chinese Landscape: The Village as Place,
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
B5. Boyd, Andrew: Chinese Architecture and Town Planning,
London: Alex, Tiranti, 1962, Chapter 3
B6. Heng Chye Kiang: Cities of Aristocrats and Bureaucrats: The Development of Medieval
Chinese Cityscapes, Singapore University Press, 1999
B7. Wheatley, Paul: The Pivot of the Four Quarters – A Preliminary Enquiry into the Origins and Character of the Ancient Chinese City
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971
B8. 賀業鉅 : 中國古代城市規劃史,北京:中國建築工業出版社,
B9. 潘谷西 : 中國古代城市建設,北京:中國建築工業出版社
B10.董鑒泓 : 中國古代城市建設,北京:中國建築工業出版社,1988
B11.胡 俊 : 中國城市: 模式與演進,北京:中國建築工業出版,1995
B12. 陣內秀信: 北京都市空間導讀,東京,鹿島出版社,1998
B13. 陣內秀信: 中國の水鄉都市,鹿島出版社,東京,1993
B15. 高村雅彥 : 中國の都市空間導讀﹐東京﹕山川出版社﹐2004
B17. 陣內秀信 : 東京の空間人類學﹐東京﹕築摩書房﹐2002
B18. 李允鉌: 華夏意象,香港:廣角鏡出版社,1982
B19.趙廣超: 閱讀:清明上河圖,香港:三聯書店,1994
C. Chinese Colonial and Contemporary Cities
C1. Esherick, Joseph W: ed. Remaking the Chinese City: Modernity and National Identity, 1900-1950.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000.
C2. King, Anthony: Urbanism, colonialism, and the World Economy: Cultural and Spatial foundations of the World Urban System. London: Routledge, 1990
C4. Koolhass, Rem: “S.M.L.XL”, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995.
pp. 1238, The Generic City
C5. Chung, Chuihua Judy: Great Leap Forward. Koln: Taschen, 2001
Jeffey Inaba; Rem Koolhaas;
and Sze, Tsung Leong; eds.
C6. Wong Chong Thai: “Cacophony: Gratification or Innovation,” in Postcolonial Space(s), ed.G.B
Nalbantoglu and C.T. Wong, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997
C7. Ma, Lawrence/ Wu, Fulong ed.: Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space, Routledge, 2005
C8. Lewis ,John W ed.: The City in Communist China, 1971
C9. Friedman, John: China’s Urban Transition, University of Minnesota Press
C10. Leach, Neil: Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspective on
Central and Eastern Europe. London / New York: Routledge, 1999
C11. 松村伸: 中華中毒,中國 空間 解剖學,東京:作品社1998
C12. 董鑒泓: 中國城市建設發展史,北京:中國建築工業出版社1984
C13.楊秉德: 中國近代城市與建築,北京:中國建築工業出版社1993
C14. 姜珺編: Urban China 城市中國,中國出版期刊中心
C 15 今天: 中國當代建築專輯,今天85期,2009