
Issues of the Traditional Chinese Cities

1. Public Open Spaces: Is there plaza in Chinese public space?

a. Agora and the Wang Cheng  王城
b. The Imperial way and qianbulang 千步廊
c. Market place
d. Residential neighborhood
e. shi-jing 市井 and street life
f. Activity node: Pier, bridge, gate, theatre, intersection,   building foreground

g. Tian’an Men Square and the city square after 1949

Sienna and Nara

Vitruviu’s ideal city                               The Wangcheng Diagram
Plan of Sui Daxing-Tang Chang’an    隋唐長安平面圖

T-shaped Qianbulang space in the Chinese Imperial Cities

Market spaces in the Chinese Imperial Cities

Tang Chang’an East Market   長安城東市
Housings of Eastern Han shown on a image brick

Lay-out of the residential block in Wangcheng

Song dynasty diagram of Bianliang and map of Suzhou city

Qing Ming Shang He Tu  清明上河圖

Tian’an Men Square in Qing Dynasty
1954 proposal for the Tian’an Men Square
1958 proposal for Tian’an Men Square

St. Petersburge, Palace Square

Nuremberg (Germany), a model of the buildings and parade grounds
designed for the Nazi Party rallies by Albert Speer, 1937

Tian’an Men Square 天安门广场

City Square in Nanning
New District of Zhanjiang                                                         Chengguan District of Guangzhou

Square in Hangzhou
Square in Ruicheng, Shanxi
Tianfu Square in Chengdu, Sichuan

Xinghai Square in Dalian, Liaoning

Wusi Square in Qingdao, Shandong

RenminSquare in Shanghai

Citizen Center Square in Shenzhen

2.  What are Public Spaces Other Than Plaza?

a. Public elements as didactic narratives: gate 城門, pavilion 亭, drum & bell tower 鐘鼓樓, Gateway 牌坊
b. Entrance, Rendezvous, Activity node: Pier, bridge, gate, intersection,   building foreground
c. Temple and association 會館, Tea-house, Restaurant, Theatre, Inn Shi-jing 市井 and Market
d. Street life  and the Great Street
f. Shop, Shop-house, Arcade and Shopping mall

Memorial Archway  in Tangyue 棠樾牌坊

Cangpo Village 蒼坡村

Open space for interchange and transportation

Penghu 澎湖

                                                                                        Layout of Siyan Well
                                              Observation of Jiangmei Village Hu Rong Ti

Piers in Qing Ming Shang He Tu

Bridge in Qing Ming Shang He Tu

Foreground for Yamen in Gu Su Fan Hua Tu

The relationship between temple and settlement:
Xinzhuang & Mengjia 新莊 & 艋舺

Temple & Plaza: The Tainan City 臺南府城
Plaza & Temple: Guang’an Gong in Tainan                   Plaza & Temple:  Kaiji Yuhuang Gong in Tainan

Temples at the street corners

Nanjing Road

Fuli Village, Guangxi 福利村,廣西

Fuli Village, Guangxi 福利村,廣西

Yangshuo, Guangxi  阳朔,廣西

Market Square in Dunhuang, Gansu

Guangzhou 廣州                                       Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

Ping Dong Liu House 屏東劉宅街屋
Malacca 马六甲

George Town 槟城

Jinmen  金門
Taipei Shiding  台北石碇                                   Toucheng, Yilan宜蘭頭城
Xiamen  廈門

The Mall,Guangzhou

Meilong zhen Plaze, Shanghai

3. Urban Block and Urban Fabric

Block Sizes of Traditional Cities and Modern Cities

a. Li-Fang residential fabric in Chang’an, Beijing and other traditional cities

Plan of Tang Changan   唐長安:里坊
Plan of Beijing from the 17th century through the 19th century

Xidabo Street 西打磨街 現狀(上) 乾隆年間(下)比較

b. Large block in East Asia and the alternative zoning: from Heian-kyo to Tokyo to Taipei

Plan of Heijo-Kyo                                       Plan of Heian-kyo
Early Tokyo Street

Tokyo - A sketch of an area in Koto and Sumida





 c. The Modern Block and  Transformation of Urban Fabric i

New York City

San Francisco

Hong Kong

Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Urban design along Chengdu Freeway, Shanghai





