
The Imperial Chinese Cities II

E. Cities, Towns and Villages

1 Cities and Towns 府、州、廳、縣城、鎮

  a Urbanization: population, central places and market towns

  b Basic elements

 Inner City 子城 (府治、衙門、王城)
 Outer City 羅城
 City Wall and moat: 廓城/護城河
 Drum & Bell tower 鐘鼓樓
 Confucius temple 文廟; military temple 武廟; city god temple 城煌廟
 Street patterns

Cities and hierarchy of local systems

Langzhong in the Qing Dynasty 閬中治城圖 (清道光元年)
Models of street grids in China with four gates
Laiyang Town in the Ming Dynasty 明萊蕪縣城圖
Yamen 衙門
Dali 大理
The city gate, Dali 大理城門

Fengshui Tower, Dali 风水塔                                     The city gate, Dali 大理城門

The city wall, Dali 大理城墙                                                                     The Bell Tower 鐘樓

The central axis 中轴线
City God Temple 城隍庙

c Social-economical structure

 Civic confederation (Hui 會)
 Guild 行會
 Religious association,
 Neighborhood association

d Urban Transformation in the 20th Century

   Urban expansion, railway, city wall and ring road,
   New institution and new boulevard (中山路、解放路、人民路)
   Plaza and public spaces

Plan of Pingyao City  山西平遙城圖

Tainan in 1907

Plan of Taiyuan City  山西太原城圖

Plan of Datong City  山西大同城圖

2 City Morphology

  a Square City: Taiyuan 太原(晉陽), Nantong 南通(通州), Chengdu 成都(益 州),  Anyang 安陽(歸德府), Datong 大同, Taigu 太古, Pingyao 平遙, Nanhei 南匯, Fengxian 奉賢, Shunhua 宣化, Lulong 盧龍, Langzhong 閬中,  Weishan 巍山
  b Circular City: Ningbo 寧波, Quanzhou 泉州, Chaozhou 潮州, Hsinchu 新竹, I-lan 宜蘭, Lingtai 靈台, Fengyang 鳳陽 
  c  Organic City:  Jingdezhen景德鎮, Lukang鹿港, Yangshuo陽朔

City Morphology

Plan of Ningbo  寧波城圖

Plan of ILan  宜蘭城圖
Ports in Quanzhou Area  泉州附近港口分佈圖             Quanzhou City through history  历史上的泉州城址

Idealized plan of Quanzhou City in Song Yuan
Quanzhou City in 1948 1948年泉州城圖

Fabric of Quanzhou City  泉州城市機理

Map of Chaozhou in the Song Dynasty  宋代潮州府城圖       Map of Chaozhou in the Qing Dynasty 清代潮州府城圖

Map of Chaozhou old city

Kaiyuan Temple   開元寺地區街巷

Fabric of Zao Lane in Chaozhou

Weishan 巍山




Weishan 巍山

3 Villages 村落

  Siting and Fengshui, kinship system and spatial formation
  Didactic narratives 敍事教化– signifier elements: pavilion, gate, pond, mountain, bridge, theatre, temple
  Nanxijiang 楠溪江中游(蒼坡村/岩頭村/芙蓉村/蓮溪村)
  Huizhou 徽州(宏村/西遞村/棠樾村)
  Coastal Villages of the South-East: Penghu澎湖/Coloane路環
  Hakka Walled Village 客家圍村

Nanxijiang 楠溪江
Cangpo Village 蒼坡村

Cangpo Village 蒼坡村

Cangpo Village 蒼坡村

Yantou Village  巖頭村

Yantou Village  巖頭村

Furong Village 芙蓉村

Furong Village 芙蓉村

Hong Village  宏村

Hong Village  宏村

Xidi 西遞

Tangyue Village   棠樾
Memorial Archway  in Tangyue

Penghu 澎湖


